Home and Community-Based Services (HCS)
We believe that each individual has specific needs different from others, most especially for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our HCS program and Texas Home Living services at Jaru Home and Community Services, LLC provides compassionate, client-centered care services and support to our valued clients who are living with their families at home or in other living facilities such as group homes.
Services we offer for HCS:

In and Out-of-Home Respite
In and Out-of-Home Respite is short-term care provided by a certified caregiver to an individual’s primary caregiver. This helps the primary caregiver to go on a vacation, attend to out-of-town business, or simply to give them some time for themselves to regain their overall wellness.
Foster Companion Care
This residential option provides in-home and support services for the individual by a foster care provider. The individual can choose to live in a foster home with a family member or other individuals. Jaru Home and Community Services’ HCS program contracts with a variety of trusted foster care providers to assist our residents with their daily living skills, transportation, personal care, housekeeping, and other activities, aiming to help the individual live as independently as possible in a safe and supported living environment.
Service Coordinator
Each individual who is enrolled in the HCS has a service coordinator who:
- Coordinates the development and implementation of the Individual Service Plan (ISP). The Individual Plan of Care is integrated services delivered and under the HCS program and through other sources.
- Reviews rights-related, safety, and health issues.
Day Habilitation (Day Hab)
Our Day Habilitation assists with day-to-day activities, and the individual will participate in recreational activities. Day Hab is designed to assist them to acquire, retain, and improve independence, self-help, socialization, skills for daily living, and set personal goals.
Counseling/Other Therapeutic Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Audiology
- Adaptive Aids
- Nursing
- Dental Services
- Social Work
- Behavioral Support
- Supported Employment
- Dietary Management
Minor Home Modification
Our minor home modification services assist in the acquisition of mobility aids, medically-necessary supplies, environmental controls, and communication aids.
Why Choose Us
Community’s First Choice
Do you need help with activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, and eating? We have home and community-based services to help an individual learn how to care for themselves. We also have innovative backup systems or ways to ensure continuity of services and supports, and we provide training on how to select, manage, and dismiss attendants.
We aim to help with activities of daily living (ADLs) and health-related tasks through hands-on assistance, supervision, or cueing.
Get in Touch with Us Today!
Jaru Home and Community Services is always on-the-go to care for you with compassion. Don’t hesitate to send us a message if you have any questions for us.